티스토리 뷰

Letter Structure

  • 격식 있는 편지, 수신자의 이름을 모를 때: Dear Sir or Madam ... Yours faithfully(정직하게)
  • 격식 있는 편지, 수신자의 이름을 알 때: Dear Mrs Green ... Yours sincerely(진심으로)
  • 조금 격식 있는 편지: Dear John ... Best wishes/Best regards(안부)/Many thanks
  • 친밀한 편지, 친구 또는 동료에게: Hello Jonh ... Best wishes/Missing you
  • 친밀한 편지, 연인에게: Dear Mary ... Lots of love

Letter Openings

The letter's first paragraph is letter opening. In your first paragraph you shoould:

intraduce yourself, state the purpose of the letter

  • 격식 있는 편지, 문의: I am writing to enquire about ... / I am writing to complain about (the fact that I) ...
  • 격식 있는 편지, 감사 답신: Thank you for your letter regarding/about ...
  • 친밀한 편지, 정보 전달: Hi! My name is Noah and I've been assigned your drama coach ...
  • 친밀한 편지, 정보 전달: Hello, My name is Julia and I/m volunteer conducting student excursions ...

Letter Closings

You may need a letter closing to express gratitude, to repeat an apology, to offer help etc.

  • 격식 있는 편지, 답신 가능성: If you require any further information, feel free to contact me.
  • 격식 있는 편지, 답신 요청: I look forward to hearing from you.
  • 격식 있는 편지, 감사 및 요청: Thank you in advance! / I would appreciate your immediate attention to this matter.
  • 친밀한 편지, 답신 가능성: Anyway, I've got to go now. Write again if you need any more information.
  • 친밀한 편지, 답신 요청: Well, let me finish here. I am eagerly waiting for your reply to this letter.


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